Do What You Can With What You Have
Jul 19, 2018
I don't have a large house. I don't have a large sewing room. In fact I don't have a sewing room. The room that I do occupy use to be called our living room. My cutting table which is 6' x 12' sits in the middle of the room with our couch moved to one end. There is literally no room to walk around all 4 sides of the table. I cut what I can from the one side and then climb up onto the table. Our plant shelf now holds cut fabric while my plants vacation outside. Everyone loves a vacation, right? My stash of patterns hangs from the banister on the stairs which goes up to the loft which is doubling as my sewing room. Everything in the loft room is within reach. I sit at on an office chair and swivel back and forth from my straight stitch machine, my serger and my ironing board. It reminds me of an apartment Derek and I lived in many years ago where you could sit on the toilet wash your hands in the sink and soak your feet in the tub all at the same time. Our clothes hung on hangers which hung on a chain which hung over the bath tub. Now days Derek and I have moved up in the world and hang our clothes in a 3 foot wide wardrobe, which we share.