Life As I See It



As I write this it is quiet in the house. The grand babies and Caitlin are in bed, Leigh-Anne is cooking, Alex is out and Derek is practicing on his guitar. Derek decided last year that it was time that he learned how to play. We've had both an acoustic and an electric guitar in the basement since the girls insisted that they needed to learn and both promised to practice. Well, you know how that goes. Neither of them did. Funny how that practicing thing plays such a big role in learning something. 

Something which I have worked at instilling in my kids is kindness. Be kind to your siblings, your friends, your neighbours, your community. Kindness is something to be learned and has to be practiced everyday. My kids have known what the "golden rule" is since they were very young. They would repeat with me "treat others the way you would like to be treated". I can't imagine that anyone would like to be pushed down, kicked in the back, yelled at or humiliated. I wouldn't so I won't do it to you. If we could all practice that bit of kindness what a better place this would be. No one, whether you are white, black, brown or orange is above the golden rule. Everyone needs to practice kindness until by popular demand we can bring back Peace.